Expository essay writing
Computer Engineering Research Paper Topics
Monday, August 24, 2020
Kant And Mill A Comparison Of Ethical Theories Philosophy Essay
Kant And Mill A Comparison Of Ethical Theories Philosophy Essay John Mills Utilitarianism and Immanuel Kants Fundamental Principle of the Metaphysic of Morality present the two scholars dissimilar perspectives on the field of good way of thinking. Factories Utilitarianism is an increasingly refined moral hypothesis contrasted with Kants breakdown of the transcendentalism and its utilization in demonstrating what is correct and what's going on. Kant utilizes his certification of the resource of transcendentalism as an order in his moral way of thinking. à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢ ¦if a law is to have moral power, i.e., to be the premise of a commitment, it must convey with it total need. (Kant prelude). This announcement frames the base for Kants moral hypothesis. Factory debates Kants affirmation that our ethical power must be driven by a commitment. Rather, Mill contends that people are driven by a longing to be glad. Immanuel Kant used useful thinking in his ethical hypothesis and recommends that there exists just a single good commitment; clear cut goal. He states, Act just on that saying whereby thou canst simultaneously will that it should turn into an all inclusive law (Kant second segment). This commitment is gotten from the thought of obligation, and depicts the straight out goals as the requests of good pronouncement, and further underscores that a people conduct should satisfy the ethical laws. These unmitigated goals ought to be the constitution overseeing all men; they ought to be the standards of human life. Kant contends that every single moral obligation innately expected of people come from these all out objectives, and it deliberately follows that human commitments are scrutinized. He proceeds to express that utilizing these goals, an individual viewed as reasonable might accomplish explicit finishes utilizing certain methods. Kants straight out basic structures the premise of the deontological morals. The basic standard of the mysticism of ethics hypothesizes that ethical law is a base or establishment of reason in itself and it doesn't need to be impacted by other unforeseen variables. The greatest imperfection of Kants moral hypothesis is that it neglects to make reference to the job of human want in the decisions people make. Kant hypothesis succeeds just in featuring moral versus corrupt human activities, and explicitly settles on it simpler in settling on decisions that only includes insidious versus great. It doesn't give knowledge into what an individual ought to do in the ev ent that the person is looked by two shades of malice, and the person in question needs to settle on a decision between the two. For example, what does one do when confronted with the restrictive decisions of either lying or executing? Factories moral hypothesis offers an understanding. Plants utilitarian moral hypothesis gives a standard that enlightens this difficulty. Utilitarian hypothesis underpins Machiavellis the end legitimizes the methods; as per the utilitarian feeling, the finish of human activity, is essentially likewise the standard of ethical quality (Mill ch II). The best satisfaction rule suggests that people ought to intrinsically pick the alternative that gives them the most bliss. Plant develops a reality where the satisfaction of people is judged. Factory accepts that the best bliss is accomplished when everybody is cheerful; the nonattendance of misery and agony. He accepts that genuine satisfaction must be good or scholarly in nature. Physical joy doesn't qualify as evident satisfaction. Bliss is more noteworthy than sentiment of happiness. Plant discusses various types of bliss, high and low satisfaction. At the point when an individual encounters the two types of joy, the person builds up an inclination of one over the other. Factory opines that straightforward delights are favored by people who have not experienced more prominent ones. All things considered, he despite everything holds that higher joys are truly esteemed. Since bliss predetermines human wants, it is just sensible that our activities are controlled by will; will to be glad. Factory anyway places that the acknowledgment of human want can now and again be abstract to the desire of an individual or a people propensity. Factories utilitarian along these lines covers more on human thought processes when contrasted with unimportant extravagance. Each inborn human want is a subsidiary of rudimentary human wants to be cheerful or accomplish satisfaction. Once in a while the quest for fundamental human joys may bring about torment because of penances people in tentionally or subconsciously make. Such forfeits for joy at long last are completely defended. A noteworthy contrast among Mill and Kant, in view of the two works, is the degree of morals. Under Kants mysticism of science, an individual can be viewed as ethically upstanding while as yet being childish. Under Mills utilitarian, an individual can't be ethically right on the off chance that the person is childish since Mills moral hypothesis expects people to stretch out satisfaction to other people. All respect to the individuals who can refuse for themselves the individual delight throughout everyday life, when by such renunciation they contribute commendably to build the measure of satisfaction on the planet (Mill ch II). Kant nullifies the utilitarian thought by expressing that there exists a uniqueness among wants and morals and that considerations of human rights temper estimations of combined utility. Kant holds that everything in presence has a cost or a respect. He includes that whatever has a cost can be handily supplanted by something different of the comparable incent ive as it, yet whatever has a nobility can never be supplanted. The two thinkers have profound idea on the issue of ethical quality. Factory has his considerations dependent on utilitarian grounds, which is a detailed framework that rotates around bliss of individuals. It speculates that an individual should act in a manner that guarantees the bliss of everyone around them. Kant has his way of thinking of giving profound quality a decent versus awful point. He, then again, guesses that thinking and human instinct ought to be the determinants of profound quality and not human wants. Ethical quality is the foundation of human collaboration and without it, people would not observe directly from wrong. Profound quality is significant however between the two logicians John Mill offers an overhauled rendition of moral way of thinking that is progressively intricate and down to earth.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Be The Best You Can Be :: Philosophy of Education Statement Teaching Essays
Be The Best You Can Be An individual starts to gain from the second they enter the earth and don't quit learning until they bite the dust. As a teacher I feel it will be my business to show my understudies to act naturally roused students. In the long run my understudies should learn new abilities in employments and in existence without an educator there to direct them. In my rudimentary study hall making self-spurred students will be my definitive objective. So as to do this I should utilize an assortment of showing ways of thinking and approaches, viable homeroom the executives, and I should assemble associations with my understudies. I would depict my showing theory as diverse. I find that segments of the five significant ways of thinking, essentialism, progressivism, perennialism, existentialism, and behaviorism, fit into how I feel about instructing. The fundamentals, for example, regard for one another and the essential subjects, for example, perusing and math, are imperative to me as an instructor. Singularity, dynamic interest, agreeable learning and creating social aptitude are a portion of the dynamic thoughts I will use in my homeroom. For my understudies to become self-persuaded students they should have the option to reason, as recommended in perennialism. Thinking will assist them with working through issues and decide. Existentialism expresses that understudies ought to acknowledge obligation regarding their activities and ought to act naturally paced. These thoughts are imperative to my way of thinking of self-roused students in light of the fact that my objective will be to make understudies who can do what this way of thinking states. Behaviorism bolsters the utilization of positive and negative fortification, the two of which I accept will be basic to my homeroom. These five speculations set up depict my varied instructing reasoning. I accept that utilizing an assortment of encouraging methodologies and techniques will be essential in study hall. America is a various nation that is home to a wide range of sorts of individuals, along these lines, I aside from my study hall to be completely different moreover. With various kinds of individuals there will be come a wide range of sorts of learning styles. Furthermore, obviously my class will incorporate kids with learning inabilities and with the development of full consideration, my class will contain understudies with different sorts of handicaps.
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Research Methodology Example
Research Methodology Example Research Methodology â€" Assignment Example > References: 20IntroductionChoosing the right research methodology largely depends on the results that the research is aimed at accomplishing as opposed to researchers preferred approach to the research (Aaron, 1997). There are two approaches that a researcher can use in conducting research namely qualitative and quantitative research methods. The choice of whether to apply qualitative or quantitative approach to one’s research will largely depend on the nature of the research problem, research design and the kind of data required for the research. However, the guiding principle for the choice of an appropriate approach to a research is that the research method chosen has to support the desired outcomes for the research. As such, the research approach chosen for the current research (the effect of implementing the balanced scorecard on strategic financial performance: an exploratory study of Saudi financial institutions) must assist in the achievement of t he research objectives. Therefore, it is imperative that the research outcomes are achieved and presented with a suitable level of severity (Veale, 2005). The research outcomes must also make a considerable contribution to the appreciation of the positive effect that implementation of balanced scorecard can have on strategic financial performance by business managers. A quantitative research approach has been found suitable for the current research based on the expected research results as well as the literature pertaining to the subject. Furthermore, the approach was found easy to apply owing to the nature of participants expected in the research. In other words, the approach was found to be participants friendly. This paper is aimed at justifying the choice of quantitative research methodology for the current research. In so doing, the paper examines the two research methodologies and explains why a quantitative approach has been found more appropriate than a qualitative approach . Qualitative approachGeneral overviewTraditionally, qualitative research was greatly used in social sciences. However, its use has been diversified to include other disciplines such as marketing in today’s world. In this case, the researcher often aims at acquiring in-depth knowledge of a phenomenon or human behavior including reasons for such behavior (Attewell, 2001). As such, Qualitative research answers the how and why of decision making in addition to where, when and what A distinguishing factor between quantitative and qualitative research is that information gathered in qualitative research is not subjected to formulaic analysis before making deductions. This makes it possible to use small but focused samples unlike in quantitative research where large samples are used. In addition, qualitative approach provides information on the specific case being researched on and any further general conclusions being only informed assertions and as such quantitative methods have to be used in getting empirical support for the research hypothesis. (Attewell, 2001) Qualitative analysis is however considered a good approach to research since it enables one obtain a more realistic feel of the world that can not be experienced in the numerical data and statistical analysis of quantitative research(Browne and Keeley, 1998 ). It also provides flexible ways of data collection, analysis and interpretation and hence gives a holistic view of the phenomenon under research. In addition, the method enables close interaction with the research subjects in their own language and terms. However, the method has been blamed for tendency to depart from the original aims of the research due to the dynamic nature of the context according to Cassell and Symon (1994). It is also possible for one to arrive at different conclusions resulting from the same information depending on the researchers personal; characteristics.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Guantanamo Bay - 1444 Words
Guantanamo Bay sits on what was once called Oriente Province. Located on the southeast corner of the island country of Cuba. Oriente Province has since been divided into five distinct provinces, Las Tunas, Holguin, Granma, Santiago de Cuba, and Guantanamo. Guantanamo Bay is situated in the belt of the Caribbean trade winds; it receives sea breezes from the southeast during the afternoons, and shortly after sunset, the wind changes to a northerly direction and becomes a land breeze. The constant breezes help to keep the bay cooler than most semi-arid deserts. However, the mountains that surround the bay to the west, north, and east shelter it from cloud systems, thus producing less precipitation and maintaining the lands aridity.†¦show more content†¦Still to this day the Marines and Cuba’s â€Å"Frontier Brigade†still man the fence line 24 hours a day. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, October 1962 to December 1962 family members of the service people were evac uated to the U.S. as President Kennedy announced the presence of Soviet missiles in Cuba. In 1964 Fidel Castro cut off the water supply to the base, in retaliation of some Cuban fishermen getting fined for fishing in Florida waters. So water had to be shipped in to the base. Fidel Castro accused the United States, of stealing water. So base commander John D. Bulkeley had a portion of the supply pipe excavated and an 18 inch portion of the pipe was cut and removed, to prove that water was not being stolen from Cuba. The hole was never filled in and the pipe is still exposed, at the northeastern corner of the base, where the Marines sleep when they are on the fence line duty. Since the water was shut off, Guantanamo Bay has been self-sufficient, and produces 3.4 million gallons of water daily at its desalination plant and more than 800,000 kilowatt hours of electricity daily, with the help of the four 262 feet tall wind turbines, located at the top of John Paul Jones Hill on the Windw ard side of the Base. U.S. troops had scattered 75,000 land mines across the â€Å"no man’s land†between the U.S. and Cuban border, creating the second-largest minefield in theShow MoreRelatedGuantanamo Bay Is Not Cool852 Words  | 4 PagesGuantanamo Bay is Not Cool America is better off if Guantanamo Bay was shut down. The Politics of Guantà ¡namo. The Economist. The Economist Newspaper, 18 Oct. 2014. Web. Nov. 2015.1 President Obama called for Guantanamo Bay to be shut down back in 2009. It is now 2015 and Guantanamo Bay is still open and still holding many types of prisoners. Guantanamo Bay mainly holds suspected terrorists, but also holds other types of prisoners. Prisoners being held captive have been imprisoned and have yetRead MoreThe Rights Of Guantanamo Bay1135 Words  | 5 Pages Guantanamo Bay was attained by Theodore Roosevelt in 1903, when he signed an agreement with the Cuban government leasing the land in return for 2,000 gold coins a year. For years after the agreement was signed, Guantanamo Bay was used as a naval base, as well as to spy on Communist Cuba in the 1930’s. In November of 1991, an overthrow of the Haitian government left thousands of Haitians fleeing dictatorship. The Bush Administration announced that it would erect a â€Å"tent shelter†in order to houseRead MoreWhat Is Guantanamo Bay?1611 Words  | 7 PagesWhat is Guantanamo Bay? Guantanamo Bay is known for how they torture and interrogate terrorist, Guantanamo Bay is a military ran prison located at the Gitmo naval base in Cuba, Guantanamo Bay is also known as Gitmo. (The Editors of Encyclopà ¦dia Britannica, n.d.) 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To be specific according to democratic lawmakers it has skyrocketed to $2.7 million per inmate. Guantana mo has been dubbed the most expensive prison on earth. President Barack Obama in May citied its cost then calculated at about $900Read MoreThe Raising Issues Of Guantanamo Bay1047 Words  | 5 PagesThe Raising Issues Of Guantanamo Bay The issues that have had cause a lot of controversy since 2002.The closing of Guantanamo Bay has led to be the most reported prison that’s held prisoners against their own will. Due to against war on terror, but has yet most detainees havn’t been charged. We wonder in the closing of Guantanamo Bay who will it affect, what will happen, when will the closing of Guantanamo Bay takes place, and how will this play a role in the world today. If President Obama choosesRead MoreGuantanamo Bay And National Security1819 Words  | 8 PagesGuantanamo Bay and National Security Chapter One: Introduction Introduction to the Chapter National security in the United States is more significant than ever before. With recent terrorist attacks in Europe, the Middle East, and within the United States, politicians as well as citizens have questioned how safe the country is compared to prior to the events of September 11th, 2001. The opening of the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base as a detention facility in 2002, serve the purpose of housing suspectedRead MoreThe Guantanamo Bay Detention Center1262 Words  | 6 Pagescompound as GITMO, but the military term for this compound is the Guantanamo Bay Detention Center. I will refer to the acronym GITMO for all intent and purposes throughout this article, as many readers will identify better with the aforementioned. The history of GITMO has a long standing in history that many are unaware so I will provide a brief synopsis of its existence from past to present. The United States Naval Base at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba was first established in 1898 when the United States tookRead MoreIs Guantanamo Bay Is A Political Catch 22?2242 Words  | 9 Pagesexcellently stated, â€Å"Anyone will talk under torture.†Guantanamo Bay, an assortment of detention camps to capture and detain foreign threats, is the 21st century manifestation of torture, societal waste, and degradation. Located near Cuba, Guantanamo’s reputation of â€Å"making anyone talk†has lead to it becoming unparalleled in the political benefits it provides. However, â€Å"making anyone talk†, is not a job that comes without repercussions. Guantanamo, built upon sta ndards that are antiparallel to American
Friday, May 8, 2020
The Differences Between Local Governments And Political...
As urban populations grew rapidly during the late nineteenth century, political machines become a mechanism to deal with the problems and new challenges that the cities encountered. The increased population required more solutions to solve problems regarding the distribution of resources as well as public services. In many ways, the political machines provided solutions to individuals in urban cities, but it was only done in exchange for votes and did not solve collective problems the cities faced. Reformers who wanted to change the inadequate and corrupt governments that existed in cities attempted to do so by recreating the rules and structure of local governments. The tension that rose from this transition represented both the distinct†¦show more content†¦Political machines began to surface from 1870 -1940 due to a combination of social and political events that simultaneously occurred in the United States. In addition to the natural growth and increase in American cit izens, more than 30 million immigrants came to the United States at this time, in which most of them poured into the cities. Industrial growth, the rise of big businesses, and new ways of transportation and distribution all contributed to the growth of cities. A new wave of politicians capitalized on these new social phenomena with the assistance of three main political changes during this period. First, the expansion of male suffrage coupled with the explosive growth of cities created a massive increase in electorate that politicians could profit from. Secondly, the expansion of city government and their necessary roles created opportunities for politicians to fill these roles and solve the arising problems of the rapidly expanding cities. Finally, the competitive nature of the elections served as an incentive for politicians to strategically organize themselves to garner votes in the most efficient and effective way possible. For a long time, political machines served as organizat ions that filed the necessary roles in an organized and efficient manner. While the patron client relationship was at the core of the relationship between the constituents and the committeemen, a complex and hierarchical organizationShow MoreRelatedVoting The Voting Rights Act1446 Words  | 6 Pages or PIE, refers to the eligible voting population. The composition of the party in the electorate can help and hurt the candidates running for office, as the electorate can vote candidates either in or out of office. Over the course of American government, the most recent changes and influences to the electorate include the passage of the Voting Rights Act, as well as the recent Supreme Court decision in Shelby County v. Holder. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Chinese Traditional Wedding Free Essays
Chinese Traditional Wedding In the different culture, there are many different customs and traditions in festival celebrations. Wedding customs are one of the most representative and symbolic customs in revealing the differences. Wedding ceremony shows not only the love of couple or two families involved, but also reflects the heritage of Chinese civilization. We will write a custom essay sample on Chinese Traditional Wedding or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ever since ancient times, the most delightful moments in one’s life come with success in marriage and birth of son. Chinese wedding decorates with one primary color is red which causes the Western culture to find out how they celebrate their wedding. In this essay, I introduce to Chinese traditional wedding ceremony such as the symbols, preparation, and procession of wedding. According to Wang (1998), he explains a man side has the opportunities to choose what kind of a woman to be his wife or mother of his children. First, a man finds a woman to marry who has never dated with anyone before. Second, a man meets woman’s parents to engage with her. Additionally some of marriages are blind because marriage is not built up from a love but it was a family connection. Marriage is being arranged between two families: pride and groom do not know each other. Without asking from their parents, many women were forced to marry with the men they never knew before. Lastly, Wang mentions that men are looking for a â€Å"value women†which means a woman appears â€Å"docile, quiet, and sweet. †He claims that a man marries only to virgin woman in fact prefer to a woman who have never dated with anyone else beside him. In the Chinese belief, a virgin woman gives honorable to her husband’s status and can bring love and peaceful to the family after a marriage. In a Chinese legend, Chinese people believe in god of love who ties a red string to bind man and woman into a loving couple. The power of red always bring the couple together even from a great distance. The color red becomes a dominant color in the wedding ceremony: red dragon, red wedding costume, red candle†¦etc. Red is a symbol of utmost double happiness and joy. During Chinese wedding ceremony, they choose the red peonies and orchid represent love, new family, safety and peace is the characteristic of Chinese culture (Xie, 1970). Unlike the flowers use in Western weddings, traditional Chinese never used white flowers in ceremonies except funeral. In the past, a family often hires a matchmaker to go search for a matching bride and groom as their parents’ requests. Then, both families get to know each other, and consult a fortune teller to analyze that the man and woman’s birthday, name, and other information. Chinese people believe that a marriage deal can be brokered unless the fortune teller tells that couple is good matching (Mack, 2007). It is Chinese culture to believe in supernatural. Contrary to Chinese culture, American culture just set a wedding date according to time availability. American people believe that a marriage needs to build up from love; not a family relationship. Xie explains that there are many things to prepare before a wedding date for both families. The traditional marriage is not only about two people but also two families cooperate together to celebrate this wedding. Both families prepare a meeting day to discuss about wedding of their daughter or son. Then, they come together to pick an auspicious day which they believe a lucky day according to astrological signs. After this meeting, this couple considers as legally engaged through both sides of parents. This gives an opportunity for the groom’s family prepares to send the gifts called â€Å"Grand Gifts or betrothal Gifts†to display their honest and financial ability to the bride’s family. Grand Gift is a set of gift to be represented to the bride’s family by groom’s family. All gifts should in even numbers meaning a love of couple. Furthermore, red eggs would wrap in pairs to a symbol â€Å"good things in double†. Li Shi Money is the amount of money to determine by groom’s family, usually contains the number 9 such as $99 or $999. The traditional Chinese beliefs still exist till today and the next future Chinese generation with a to hope to live in happiness and peace after married. Both families are busy to prepare for their daughter and son wedding in the few months before wedding. Bride’s family would prepare dowries which consist of the gifts that the bride would bring to her husband’s home after marriage. Once a woman marries, she considers as a part of her husband’s family. The value of the dowry is used for a woman’s status in her new position as a wife and a daughter-in-law. Her responsibility is not about her family anymore but her husband’s family (Mack, 2007). At the same time, Xie also mentions that the groom’s family is busy to decorate the bridal house or room such as â€Å"double happiness†signs, red dragon and phoenix design, and red candle to represent love to the last. The wedding’s unique ritual and tradition make the ceremony meaningful and solemn. The two rituals such as â€Å"Hair dressing and Capping rituals†would be held in the bride’s and groom’s house on the morning of the wedding day. â€Å"Hair dressing†ritual takes place in the bride’s home. Bride’s parents choose a lucky woman who lives with parents-in-law, children and husband, to help the bride to make her hair in a bun which was a common style for traditional married woman when she becomes an adult and a married person. Similarly, â€Å"capping†ritual takes place in the groom’s home, and hairstyle changing is usually done by his mother (Costa, 1997). According to Mack, the traditional wedding day is â€Å"the groom would bring a sedan chair with trumpet blaring to bring his bride to his family. †Finally, the last step is the tea ceremony when the new couple serves tea to their parents to show their respect to them. Moreover, the gloom parents give the gift with money to their daughter-in-law and son after drinking tea because this gift would encourage them to have children as soon as possible. After this ceremony, the new couple can have their private time together. Chinese wedding is complicate and too long because there are so many steps that the bride and groom have to follow before marriage or a day of marriage. If we compare to American wedding day, American people celebrate their wedding ceremony in church with a short amount of time. American parents give more right to their daughter or son to choose the day of their marriage, location of their marriage, and pick up their wedding costume (white). White color represents purify of woman with honest and love. The Chinese traditional wedding ceremony is considered a spiritual ceremony and the display of long history and heritage of China. This research paper divides into three general focus points such as symbol, preparation, and procession. First, the symbol is about the color represents the Chinese culture and how they believe about the legend tale. Secondly, both families prepare everything for their son and daughter in the wedding day. Thirdly, the process of wedding day when the bride and groom get to meet each other and the groom brings his wife to his home with love and joy. How to cite Chinese Traditional Wedding, Papers Chinese Traditional Wedding Free Essays Chinese Traditional Wedding In the different culture, there are many different customs and traditions in festival celebrations. Wedding customs are one of the most representative and symbolic customs in revealing the differences. Wedding ceremony shows not only the love of couple or two families involved, but also reflects the heritage of Chinese civilization. We will write a custom essay sample on Chinese Traditional Wedding or any similar topic only for you Order Now Ever since ancient times, the most delightful moments in one’s life come with success in marriage and birth of son. Chinese wedding decorates with one primary color is red which causes the Western culture to find out how they celebrate their wedding. In this essay, I introduce to Chinese traditional wedding ceremony such as the symbols, preparation, and procession of wedding. According to Wang (1998), he explains a man side has the opportunities to choose what kind of a woman to be his wife or mother of his children. First, a man finds a woman to marry who has never dated with anyone before. Second, a man meets woman’s parents to engage with her. Additionally some of marriages are blind because marriage is not built up from a love but it was a family connection. Marriage is being arranged between two families: pride and groom do not know each other. Without asking from their parents, many women were forced to marry with the men they never knew before. Lastly, Wang mentions that men are looking for a â€Å"value women†which means a woman appears â€Å"docile, quiet, and sweet. †He claims that a man marries only to virgin woman in fact prefer to a woman who have never dated with anyone else beside him. In the Chinese belief, a virgin woman gives honorable to her husband’s status and can bring love and peaceful to the family after a marriage. In a Chinese legend, Chinese people believe in god of love who ties a red string to bind man and woman into a loving couple. The power of red always bring the couple together even from a great distance. The color red becomes a dominant color in the wedding ceremony: red dragon, red wedding costume, red candle†¦etc. Red is a symbol of utmost double happiness and joy. During Chinese wedding ceremony, they choose the red peonies and orchid represent love, new family, safety and peace is the characteristic of Chinese culture (Xie, 1970). Unlike the flowers use in Western weddings, traditional Chinese never used white flowers in ceremonies except funeral. In the past, a family often hires a matchmaker to go search for a matching bride and groom as their parents’ requests. Then, both families get to know each other, and consult a fortune teller to analyze that the man and woman’s birthday, name, and other information. Chinese people believe that a marriage deal can be brokered unless the fortune teller tells that couple is good matching (Mack, 2007). It is Chinese culture to believe in supernatural. Contrary to Chinese culture, American culture just set a wedding date according to time availability. American people believe that a marriage needs to build up from love; not a family relationship. Xie explains that there are many things to prepare before a wedding date for both families. The traditional marriage is not only about two people but also two families cooperate together to celebrate this wedding. Both families prepare a meeting day to discuss about wedding of their daughter or son. Then, they come together to pick an auspicious day which they believe a lucky day according to astrological signs. After this meeting, this couple considers as legally engaged through both sides of parents. This gives an opportunity for the groom’s family prepares to send the gifts called â€Å"Grand Gifts or betrothal Gifts†to display their honest and financial ability to the bride’s family. Grand Gift is a set of gift to be represented to the bride’s family by groom’s family. All gifts should in even numbers meaning a love of couple. Furthermore, red eggs would wrap in pairs to a symbol â€Å"good things in double†. Li Shi Money is the amount of money to determine by groom’s family, usually contains the number 9 such as $99 or $999. The traditional Chinese beliefs still exist till today and the next future Chinese generation with a to hope to live in happiness and peace after married. Both families are busy to prepare for their daughter and son wedding in the few months before wedding. Bride’s family would prepare dowries which consist of the gifts that the bride would bring to her husband’s home after marriage. Once a woman marries, she considers as a part of her husband’s family. The value of the dowry is used for a woman’s status in her new position as a wife and a daughter-in-law. Her responsibility is not about her family anymore but her husband’s family (Mack, 2007). At the same time, Xie also mentions that the groom’s family is busy to decorate the bridal house or room such as â€Å"double happiness†signs, red dragon and phoenix design, and red candle to represent love to the last. The wedding’s unique ritual and tradition make the ceremony meaningful and solemn. The two rituals such as â€Å"Hair dressing and Capping rituals†would be held in the bride’s and groom’s house on the morning of the wedding day. â€Å"Hair dressing†ritual takes place in the bride’s home. Bride’s parents choose a lucky woman who lives with parents-in-law, children and husband, to help the bride to make her hair in a bun which was a common style for traditional married woman when she becomes an adult and a married person. Similarly, â€Å"capping†ritual takes place in the groom’s home, and hairstyle changing is usually done by his mother (Costa, 1997). According to Mack, the traditional wedding day is â€Å"the groom would bring a sedan chair with trumpet blaring to bring his bride to his family. †Finally, the last step is the tea ceremony when the new couple serves tea to their parents to show their respect to them. Moreover, the gloom parents give the gift with money to their daughter-in-law and son after drinking tea because this gift would encourage them to have children as soon as possible. After this ceremony, the new couple can have their private time together. Chinese wedding is complicate and too long because there are so many steps that the bride and groom have to follow before marriage or a day of marriage. If we compare to American wedding day, American people celebrate their wedding ceremony in church with a short amount of time. American parents give more right to their daughter or son to choose the day of their marriage, location of their marriage, and pick up their wedding costume (white). White color represents purify of woman with honest and love. The Chinese traditional wedding ceremony is considered a spiritual ceremony and the display of long history and heritage of China. This research paper divides into three general focus points such as symbol, preparation, and procession. First, the symbol is about the color represents the Chinese culture and how they believe about the legend tale. Secondly, both families prepare everything for their son and daughter in the wedding day. Thirdly, the process of wedding day when the bride and groom get to meet each other and the groom brings his wife to his home with love and joy. How to cite Chinese Traditional Wedding, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
The World Is Flat an Example by
The World Is Flat The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century is the celebrated work by Thomas L. Friedman, examining the movements of globalization considering the developments of early 21st century. The very title is a metaphor that says that the world is flat or even as far as commerce and competition is concerned. According to the book, all the competitors have equal opportunity in this level playing field (Ghemawat, 2007). The tile also explains the historic shifts in perception when people came to the realization that world was not flat but round. The book says that a similar change in perception is needed if countries, commercial clients and individuals wish to be competitive in a global market. This shift in perception is relevant as regional, geographical and historical divisions are becoming important in global market (Ghemawat, 2007). Need essay sample on "The World Is Flat" topic? We will write a custom essay sample specifically for you Proceed The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century was released in 2005. Two updated editions were later released in 2006 and 2007. The tile of the book was taken from the statement of former CEO of Infosys Nandan Nilekani (Ghemawat, 2007). In the book, the author recalls a journey to Bangalore, India when he understood that globalization made changes on the crucial economic concepts. According to him, the world is flat, as globalization has leveled the competitive grounds among the budding industrial markets (Ghemawat, 2007). Friedman says that this leveling is the result of a convergence of personal computer with fiber-optic micro cable with the rise of work flow software (Bass, 2005). The author explained this period as Globalization 3.0, differentiating this period from the previous Globalization 1.0 (which countries and governments were the main protagonists) and the Globalization 2.0 (which multinational companies led the way in driving global integration) (Ghemawat , 2007). University Students Frequently Tell Us:How much do I have to pay someone to write my essay online?Essay writers recommend:Essay Writing Help Service Best Website To Buy College Papers College Essay Writing Help Essay Writing Service Author of The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century cites several examples of concerns that are based in China and India. According to him, human resource provided by India (for example call center executives, typists, computer programmers and accountants) have become an integral part of global supply chain as they offer their service for global giants like AOL, Microsoft and Dell. Friedman's Dell Theory of Conflict Prevention is also explained in the book (Ghemawat, 2007). What Friedman means by the term flat is connected. Trade and political barriers are loosing its relevance in the modern world. The exponential technical improvements of the digital revolution have enabled to initiate businesses instantaneously with people around the world (Bass, 2005). But the news that Friedman has to deliver is that just when we stopped paying attention to these developments-when the dot-com bust turned interest away from the business and technology pages and when 9/11 and t he Iraq War turned all eyes toward the Middle East-is when they actually began to accelerate (Ghemawat, 2007). According to him globalization is not led by giant corporations or big trade organizations but by ordinary desktop freelancers and inventive startups all over the world (particularly in China and India) (Ghemawat, 2007). The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century the brilliant work by the award-winning New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman throw light on the new world of globalization. The readers often find themselves bewildered at the global scene unfolding before their eyes through the book (Ghemawat, 2007). The book The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century is written from an American perspective. The author exhibits a unique ability to interpret complex foreign policy and economic issues (Ghemawat, 2007). He skillfully explains how the flattening of the world happened at the beginning of the twenty-first century and how it affected countries, business giants, communities and common man. The book also explains how societies and governments should adopt to the new changes brought by globalization (Ghemawat, 2007). This magnificent account of Friedman is an essential and timely update on globalization and its influence on the modern world. The author powerfully illuminates real consequences of globalization (Ghemawat, 2007). The author explains ten "flatteners" that he sees as leveling the global playing field. The ten flatteners include Collapse of Berlin Wall--11/'89, Netscape (Netscape and the Web), Workflow software, Open Sourcing, Outsourcing, Offshoring, Supply chaining, Insourcing, In-forming, "The Steroids (Bass, 2005)" The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century is written in the trademark style of Friedman. Friedman's relationship with the New York Times has greatly influenced the way the book was written (Ghemawat, 2007). He stresses technological forces. It however seems that the author has exaggerated the significance of the trends (Ghemawat, 2007). In a 2007 Foreign Policy magazine article, Pankaj Ghemawat (professor at Harvard Business School), argued that ninety percent of the world's phone calls, Web traffic, and investments are local and the facts and figures given by Friedman are not exact (Ghemawat, 2007). According to him "Despite talk of a new, wired world where information, ideas, money, and people can move around the planet faster than ever before, just a fraction of what we consider globalization actually exists" (Bass, 2005). The Washington Post says that "Like its predecessor, this book showcases Friedman's gift for lucid dissections of abstruse economic phenome na, his teacher's head, his preacher's heart, his genius for trend-spotting....We've no real idea how the 21st century's history will unfold, but this terrifically stimulating book will certainly inspire readers to start thinking it all through (Bass, 2005)." References Friedman, Thomas L. The World is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century. Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2006 Warren Bass, "The Great Leveling", Washington Post, 2005 Pankaj Ghemawat, "Why the World Isnt Flat", 2007 Pankaj Ghemawat, Why the world isn't flat. Growth Strategies, 2007. Peter Begley, "The World Is Flat: A Brief History of the Twenty-First Century", 2006. Fox, Justin, "A Painter Is Flat-Out Flimflammed", Fortune Magazine, 2005
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